Monday, September 27, 2010



Sunday, September 19, 2010

September 19

中秋节要到了,但今年感觉很怪,大家都没有那些气氛,连超市也静悄悄地. 月饼的口味越出越多,现在好像有巧克力,芒果,榴莲口味等等,可是我从小到大都只爱吃豆沙口味的,哈哈哈 挑食~

要不是开学了,我真想约你们出来,去提灯笼吃月饼的,像以前我们常说的,去Jubli Perak过中秋,可惜现在没机会了. 大家都各奔东西,去不同的方向,住在不同的州属,惟有在中秋节那晚,大家一起坐在月光下,吃一吃月饼,隔空谈天说地吧~

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Raya Gathering

Date : 12 September 2010
Time : 7.00pm to 11.00pm
Venue : Ooi H'ng Ee's house (Laguna Merbok)

To wear : class shirt
To bring : food, beverages, something to share with

p/s : about the FOOD, let's make it like what we did before in 08, please prepare food for everyone and bring it there. U know, all sorts of noodles, jelly, or even sate. It's Sunday, u might stop by at the pasar malam and get some. Some doesn't really mean a few, estimate your ownself the number of people who gonna eat. DRINK, as usual, sparkling juice, or maybe beer. Fizzy drinks are good enough actually, as long as we could prepare all the stuffs and minimize the burden for the host's.

Couldn't put a night after that, he's leaving early tomorrow morning.

**please inform everyone.