Friday, July 9, 2010


Okay, now I'm in Shah Alam. Nice hostel, nice college.
Real far though the hostel from shops and college. Now online-ing in a mamak just outside girl's hostel. Girls are blessed to have all these mamaks, Mc D , KFC, Secret Recipe, Giant, and Mydin. >< Boy, have to take buses here.
Okay, class not yet started, orientation passed. Met Chaisee and a few other ex-schoolmates.
Everything is real okay.
Ohyea, although I havent started attending classes, I'm already getting a little bit of pressure on my studies. See, here is the thing, we have this placement test, and I sat for it. And my score is just 60/70. I'm darn shit. I don't know if I can get into a nice class or not. Well, fyi, people here are way too nutz. They wake up in the morning and the first thing they do is to read. And some speaks English. Yea, not malaysian english like me. Excellent people with excellent attitude and real outspoken people is freaking me out =.=


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