Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Abroad ones are fine,how about Local ones??

woke up in the wee hours today, it doesn't happen that often.. had a bicycle ride around the taman, still quiet, still dark..
i was riding under the lamp post, soon or later, more and more buses arrived.. bas pekerja, bas sekolah, van sekolah as well.. and those students with their uniform on, white shoes on, some even have mum accompanying beside.. how lovely~

switch on the pc~"te leng teng teng teng" it wasn't that fast, wasn't the smooth, but good enough~ at least i can access the web, and visit facebook, class blog as well~~

here comes the inspiration, the things that inspired me to post this up:

facebook >> somebody changed to single already.. i'm getting worried u know, izit me the one who influenced u guys?? hey, i don't mean it.. i'm just hinting actually =.=.. or talking in the opposite way~ single is good, but getting into a relationship wasn't that worst too i mean~ i don't hope for this kind of ending actually~ arh! -HERE IS AN ORDER FRM D CHAIRMAN: SINGLE CLUB IS FULL OF MEMBERS NOW, NO MORE APPLICANT IS NEEDED, PLZ GET BACK INTO YOUR PREVIOUS STATUS-

then class blog, pretty coincident, chi hern was there too when i'm posting my previous post.. how lovely right? we were blogging at the same time, facing the monitor, hitting the keyboard, opening the same page.. its something about him, though i've watched before, but i'm still not bored about that.. he seems happy, as well as tiong~ ok, thy might have some private issues in the bottom of their heart, but still, they prefer to find something nice to post it up, cover the sad one. GOOD? at least we are more comfortable with that..

followed by woody's n shangguan's blog.. their personal blog actually.. good, they post something about them~ felt sorry to s.han's dad, i'm sure her dad had done some good deed in the past, as what yi kuan says very often.. here comes my question, when something unfortunate happen on others, what else we could do? we can do nothing but just some consolation.. i'm not pointing fingers on anyone, i'm just wondering, why not be more positive, optimist, humorous, be someone happier? alright some might say "u siao 1, u really think we cn be optimist and stop thinking about future? life? friendship? edu? love? politics? food? work? money?" but hey, it's jz a TIME matter, we can do nothing but wait the moment arrived.. we never be late to plan again even when the thing facing u face to face. tossing a coin is the best example.flexible larr~ fine, if u say "i'm planning", that sounds matured but quite hilarous too actually, WHAT IF THINGS HAPPEN NT AS WHAT U PLANNED? WHAT IF THERE ARE SOMETHING DIFFERENT AND U CAN GO ON YOUR PLAN? sien~ tht really ruin each and everyone's mood.. i rather do something that can make me laugh, even jz 2 seconds~ ^^

lets see, tiong's post.. tht's the most number of comment compared to post tht posted up lately.. cause it is something happy, something fun to talk about.. hmm~ but it still others personal blog no matter what.. i can't force or control neither comment about them, but -- -- as what i mentioned on the title, if others quite far away from us can be tht fun, why are we still sad or pessimist? friends need laughter, we don't find a friend tht keep on whining(i admit i'm tht kinda person) or just sharing sadness~ >>> it's almost 4 months away from schooldays, i miss u guys laughter again~~ come on! HHAHAHAHAA!HA!HA!HA!

oh~ what a lovely day, with lovely sun and an empty stomach..^^ gonna find some breakfast soon... guys~ LAUGH!

mingming(somebody please help me to put colour on each paragraph above, i'm sure they gonna look dull without colour, but i'm nt good in selecting, somebody plz~ tq^^)

1 comment:

  1. omg zm wat happen to shu hans dad???!!0.0is she ok??juz ure blog has ored made u sound emo lol-.- hahaha...anyway hahahahahaha(old time s laughter) haha!!take care ya ^^

    chi hern
