Thursday, April 15, 2010


guyz guyzguyzguyzguyzguyzguyzguyzguyz i repeat guyzguyzguyzguyzguyzguyzguyzguyz galsgalsgalsgalsgalsgalsgalsgals=.=""!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!everyone#.# can stop quarelling plz ?! .........its a misunderstanding so it seems &.&....y dunt juz forget bout it+.+ its better to survive without hatred '.' okok i better stop talkin soon goin to kena tembak d >.< dunt worry im prepared wit my bullet proof vest _._ hiding in the ground looking up (oh no im starting to crap again) okok no more......

dunt wanna say my name so sia soi=.=( i bow in embarrasment n humiliation )CEO of the xiao lang group-.- (not certified de got my pariah license from ure original CEO)hahaha.....


  1. yalar who lor0.0""blur nia ^.^ ahahah!!monkey group lar!!

    chi hern

  2. chihern... I hate U!!
    Y nvr reply ppl in msn and keep appear off9!?

  3. wat the hell-.-!!when did u sent sth to me=.=!!the last message i receive is this=.=!

  4. n besides i went to watch show n now oni juz came back=.="!!lolz

  5. ei budak.. how many shows u've watched these days?


  6. lolz...@.@ 3 show i watch 2 times n other 2 more i think i dunno haha..!!
