Wednesday, April 21, 2010


the routine i follow everytime i switch on the pc.

1st - "songs" folder, pick a song randomly, play it, repeat it.

2nd - click on Mozilla. waiting

3rd - sign out from the auto-sign-in msn, after havin a look on who is on9-ing

4th - google homepage - type on facebook. waiting while loading

5th - open another tab - blogspot. 44542009

6th - click fb tab - hav a look a notification. if no

7th - scroll down the class blog. see ice cream, see chatbox.. ntg? ok. sign in - to my blog

8th - click on "New Post". start bla-ing~ blablablablabla..

tht's it. U? haha.
Tht's the sound of an idle handsome.
With a going-to-say-goodbye-hair.
EW~ lousy.. =.= hah!

guess who? it's me! haha..