sienz lar today so sui!!!on the day i cant sleep everyone wanna sleep so early d!!haiz!!this emptiness feeling juz sitting infront of the laptop is soooooo agonizing*.*!!!!!its so weird rite?...when im in aus i hav so mch homework tat i feel like comin back soon!!now after i hav came back i hav nth to do so siieeennzz until fill like wanna hav sum homework-.-"""!!!haiz!!!!now i noe y u guyz or seem sooooo vry vry emo!!!!!!-.-"""""u guyz hav seriously change lots!!!!0.0""its like u guyz hav experience massive pain (im not exagerrating) in juz this 3 months lor!!i feel like u guyz hav oso change in matuarity its like woooo!im stil as childish as ever but u guyz....wwooo i cant express it !!so serious type n oni like to talk solid stuff now!all info kind of thing like wat zhi ming predicted last yer hahaha!when we meet again in 10 years time!!but guess wat its oni 3 months n u guyz hav become like tat0.0!!!!!one small piece of advice- dunt get too carried away in tat kind of relationship until u neglect all ure frens.....u may feel tat its ok now...but once u lost tat relationship u will i repeat u will difinitely realise the importance of frenship!!well ahahaha!!(laugh to release stress*.*)cheer up everyone!n..gud luck^.^!!
chi hern
喂ah ngoo不要偷我的对白,哈哈
hoi uncle....wat pretending to be asleep really sleep-ing ok... -.-"
ReplyDeletewho neglected u so ke wu???haha..i realised and knew the important of friendship ar...especially between u n me k...whn did i neglect u leh..... XD
stop emo lar..^^enjor the life in msia for these few days..especially wif me^^hahaha
haha...yi kuan:y u apologize lor haha!besides i where got still ure dui bai mine is in eng leh*.* so mch difference ahaha!!ichin:lolz!!hahaha!!hoi baby monkey(xm)-.-""since when did i mention u neglect me?'.'"ahahaha!!lolz i will XD!!
ReplyDeletechi hern
LOL,dun kek pandai b a translator loh,XDXD...
ReplyDeletehaha...his hobby is kek lar..
-.-!!where got aaa xiao mei!!if when u say kek u mean (make kek-pooping) ya maybe u r rite XD ahaha.....but tat kek as in show off ___totally kek no way*.* im a humble person u noe0.0 look at this eyes they r humble n honest eyes o!!besides yi kuan at least i noe how to kek some ppl wanna cake oso dunno how to kek osoXD wakakaka
ReplyDeletechi hern