Saturday, January 9, 2010

1. Stop that! 2. Don't Fire Me la

Still remember that day when u guys found out that our blog was like deleted?
How bad that feels... So, I really don't hope anyone to talk about those things again.. No matter what the 玻璃体生did, don't comment here ba, boys and girls.. Quote my saying - We are kids o..

Hargh... After a week of work, I'm now coping quite well.. First few days got me so tired because many things to do, many things to learn.. Now?? Haha, keep yawning ady.. And wei you all, only Ming, Ping, Tiong, Ichin came to support me o? The food i prepare really sucks meh?
Now, a story here... We worked there, 5 permanent workers, very experienced, 2 temporaries (including me).. And now the other temporary worker is Fired!!!! So now only one temporary is left, which has only worked for a week and is still not very pro yet ar... so, Im the next target to be sacked? Maybe.. I did know more things than the temporary worker though, hehe... Lolz..
You guys are like ' Aiyo, i wan to quit.... ' 'I wan to change job' 'This job sucks'
But here, now I am pretty afraid of the possibilities of being fired... =.=


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