Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Read This Please!

2nite, Errm , Straight to the point, Okay..
At the bbq park in pekan baru, behind FU GUI one, 8pm , to celebrate yikuan's and tzehong's bday..

Too bad, yikuan, zming, and adriel, our pacific plan canceled..
Sorry ya..
Nvm, so 2nite, whoever read this please be there and one thing, U Guys can wait till tonight then only wish the two lousy la.. Dun keep wish at blog, later people jealous worr, right ? superman?
Today I'm having my day off too.. Off from the tiring job..

Woody @ 木材的材

1 comment:

  1. 如果有谁觉得那个地方不好还是没什么东西吃的话
    可以换个地方 给点意见咯 没关系的 哪里都可以
    礼物就不用了 人来就好

