Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My Off Day

haha..2day is my off day..
feel so glad dat i can wake up at 930am today..
mum n dad r at home..so im having my outdoor activities for the whole day
haha..feel so 'xin fu' whn thy r here
although we din do anything special la..
but feel happy going out wif thm
i think many of u dun understand dat feeling la..haha
2moro thy going to work again lor..
i think mayb for 2 to 3 weeks le..
feel sad againT.T
2moro ive to start my work again lorrrrrr

Hoping for our next gathering day..^^


  1. today means?? 18th or 19th? erm, d jobless 1 planin nw~ 1 thing.. wana guess who again? sien lar.. str8 away cn agak is u lo...


  2. haha..of course is me lar..
    2day means 18th
    2moro means 19th
